Keep Loup Basin Beautiful and the Burwell Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce another amazing opportunity to rid your premises of old, broken, unwanted technology items. The CRT Amnesty project is providing free technology recycling to sixteen communities across the state. The collections are specific for Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors and televisions but other technology items are being accepted also. The goal of the event is to safely dispose of and responsibly recycle as many CRT’s as possible using R2 Certified Recyclers, Sadoff Electronics Recycling & Data Destruction and American Recycling. R2 Certified Recyclers follow the highest industry standards for data security and environmental health and safety so feel confident that technology items disposed of will be properly handled.
Amy Hughes, KLBB, Project Coordinator stated, “Burwell will be offering the CRT Amnesty Collection Event on Saturday, May 8, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Loup Rivers Scenic Byway Interpretive Center and Loup Basin RC&D Office (330 S Hwy 11) in Burwell. Local residents along with surrounding area residents are invited to take advantage of this amazing event.” Please note that if you have more than 2 CRT monitors or televisions there will be a minor fee requested. Many technology items are accepted, HOWEVER, there are some that are prohibited. Please DO NOT bring microwaves, large appliances, light bulbs, medical equipment, alkaline batteries, mercury containing devices, welk pumps, Freon bearing devices, asbestos containing scrap, or machinery.
Any questions of concerns about the event can be directed to Janet Sanders at Keep Loup Basin Beautiful by calling 308-346-3393 or Stacie Roblyer at the Burwell Chamber by calling 308-346-5210.
Keep Loup Basin Beautiful would also like to invite you to bring any markers, crayons, eye glasses, hearing aids, mascara wands, household batteries, toner/ink cartridges, aluminum cans, #1 & #2 plastic bottles, cardboard and paper for recycling. Staff will be present to answer any questions and to give tours of the recycle trailers if requested.
Keep Loup Basin Beautiful (KLBB) is grant-funded through the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and Keep America Beautiful; and is a project of the Loup Basin RC&D Council that promotes litter prevention, waste reduction, recycling, and beautification. KLBB serves thirteen counties in central and north-central Nebraska. For more information about KLBB’s education programs, email KLBB at, visit, or like them on Facebook. Contact the Loup Basin RC&D office (308)-346-3393 or stop by the office at the Loup Rivers Scenic Byway Interpretive Center, 330 South Highway 11 Burwell, Nebraska.