DECEMBER 2, 2019 (LINCOLN, NEB.) — With the end of the Nebraska football season, the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) has completed special traffic operations surrounding Husker home games.
Throughout the season, troopers patrolled roads in and around Lincoln, partnering with the Lincoln Police Department, Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department on various aspects of home football game day operations.
During the season, troopers worked on the road and in the air to reduce the potential for serious injury crashes. For the final four home game days of the season, troopers assisted dozens of motorists and performed traffic control operations both before and after Husker football games.
The special effort was made possible thanks to a grant for $4,820 from the Nebraska Department of Transportation – Highway Safety Office.
Throughout the season, NSP also provided traffic reports on the Husker Sports Network radio broadcasts with the assistance of the NSP Aviation Support Division.
Anyone who observes a reckless driver or anyone in need of non-emergency roadside assistance can call the Nebraska State Patrol Highway Helpline, when safe to do so, at *55 from their cell phone or at 800-525-5555 from any phone. Motorists should report emergencies to 911.