American Legion Post 298 Raffle Winners Announced
Pictured: Terrell Sanders, Richard Bolli, Donald Christen, Jessica Olcott, Clayton Olcott holding daughter Payton, Billy Weber, Mitch Foutch, and Jim Roblyer
Burwell, Nebraska. The American Legion, Clifford Clark Post No. 298 is pleased to announce the winners of their recent raffle. “Clayton Olcott of Burwell was the recipient of the first place drawing for the Polaris Ranger 1000 EPS, Donnie Christen of Burwell took home the 2nd place drawing for the Henry Lever Action .22 rifle, and Tamzen Jenkins of Burwell received $250.00 of Burwell Chamber Bucks for the 3rd placed drawing” stated Commander, Donald Christen on Monday, May 3rd, 2021. Commander Christen said “Saturday afternoon, May 1st at 1:00 p.m. twenty community members gathered onsite for the raffle drawing and to see the complete live coverage of the drawing visit our Facebook page. And our recent raffle for American Legion Clifford Clark Post No. 298 was a fundraiser for the new Post home building.”
American Legion Post No. 298 is working toward building a new Post Home in 2021. A Donation and Pledge Form can be picked up at Trotter’s Whoa and Go in Burwell. The American Legion, Clifford Clark Post No. 298 is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3) and donations are therefore tax deductible. Donations can be mailed to the American Legion Post 298, P.O. Box 760, Burwell, NE 68823 or dropped off at Pathway Bank, 817 H ST in Burwell, NE phone 308.346.5015.
For more information about the American Legion, Clifford Clark Post No. 298 plans for a new Post home contact Commander, Donald Christen at (308) 346.5548 email: or Treasurer, Tim Rowse at (308) 346.4517. Like the American Legion Post 298 on Facebook and check the Loup Basin RC&D Council’s website for updates.