Ord, Neb. – After 68% voters elected to implement an additional 0.5% sales tax in the City of Ord, that increase will become effective on April 1, 2019 as the new state and city tax rate of 7.5 percent.
After being elected on the General Election ballot in November 2018, a letter from the Nebraska Department of Revenue was sent to the City of Ord stating, “On November 30, 2018, a notice will be posted on our website revenue.nebraska.gov to notify the public of the effective date and tax rate change for Ord. Approximately 45 days prior to April 1, 2019, the Department will notify the Valley County Treasurer of her obligations related to this change in city tax. Late in February, 2019, we will post a News Release on our website reminding the public of the change in your city tax rate…We do not provide any other written notification to retailers.”
This sales tax increase is to pay for the Ord swimming pool bond that was approved in 2016.
Those businesses who have questions related to the compliance to sales tax increases can be directed to the Nebraska Department of Revenue.
Sources: Ord, Nebraska facebook page, http://www.ordnebraska.com/